Thursday, November 3, 2011

Some more photos

It's been quite a while since I've posted on my blog, so sorry about that :) - got crazy busy the last few weeks, we took a week long holiday, and clients always see that as a big catastrophe, and starts sending lots and lots of work our way!

Anyway, here's some photos I took with the Galaxy S2's camera while we were on holiday down the Garden Route - I really like the panorama feature :)

(Swellendam Mountains)

(Cave at Mossel Bay)

(On the Outeniekwa Pass)

(Buffalo Bay)

(this tree is between 600 and 800 years old apparently - 36 meters tall, and circumference is 9 meters)

Still very impressed with my phone's camera - really handy to have when you don't have your regular one close by...

Till next time!

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